Monday, March 29, 2010

Recital's tomorrow..

Jessie Tey left not even 24 hours to practise now.. I'm F-ing nervous... As in short, it's something like my concert tomorrow.. Nonono, shall say it's Teddy's concert and I'm the special guest that had been invited to play at his concert. XOXOXO.. XD

Nahh.. It's one of the programmes that we need to complete. My lecturer wants me to wear a long dress... But... My friends said it's no need to be so formal. So I borrowed a dress from baby's mum, (she's very kind, she offered me some dresses) How sweet of her~ It's not too long, not too short, just right slightly lower than my knees~ Muakzz!!

Anyway, I bought 2 dresses from Eclipse yesterday which I feel very satisfy with it. I'll take buncha photos of them, no worries. They cost me RM598. (RM299 each) XD

Hmm.. Jessie Tey is going to zoo or picnic in a garden soon~
But there's no time for me to slow down..
I gotta be more hard=working from now onwards.
World Music please.. It's so hard~! =(
I wanna complete my course nicely!!
(I just feel something bad's gonna happen.) =(

Wednesday, March 17, 2010




女人明知道你们之间没有未来,却情愿留在你身边做个普通朋友,不是她太贱,只是她舍不得 .

女人故意在你面前提到别的男人,不是她花心,只是想要刺激一下你,让你多在乎她一点 .


短信时,是否也同样的想念她 .




男人 其实你不懂

1 她总是问:你在哪呢?你现在在干吗? (她很想念你,只是想跟你说说话,你不给她发信息,她很矛盾,怕你在忙,但又忍不住想你.换了别人,爱干嘛干嘛,她不关心.所以请你一有时间就问候她一下,让她放心,让她知道你心里有她,她不会烦你.她总是主动联系你,她会觉得她贱.)

2 她说:我不开心了,我好烦. (不要怪她无理取闹,更不能觉得她在烦你,她不是真的不开心,她只是想你了.只是想要你会来安慰她一下,哪怕是:乖,别闹了,听话!)

3 她说:不要感冒了./路上小心./自己多注意…… (不要嫌她烦.因为她知道你不傻,甚至是很聪明的.她只想让你知道她心里有你,她很想关心你)

4 她总说自己又长胖了或者长得不够漂亮. (不要觉得她是在自卑或嫉妒别人,她只是怕自己在你眼中不够完美.她已经在为你改变了.)

5 她总说她想要帮你,要你有什么事一定要告诉她. (其实她知道她帮不了你什么,她只想让你知道你还有她,她永远在会你身边陪你,会一直的支持你,)

6 她看到你跟别的女生亲近一些就会生气,发小脾气. (别说她小气,不信任你,她其实是在吃醋,这表示她十分在乎你.即使心里难受也会自己安慰自己.)

7 无论做什么她总会征求你的意见. (不是她没主见,太过依赖你,她只是尊重你,凡事以你为先.)

8 不管在哪里她总是紧紧的和你站在一起. (她只是在告诉你她信任你.)

9 她爱忧伤,总是会多想. (不要觉得她是想太多,只是有时她会觉得缺乏安全感.)

10 她假装生气转身离开. (其实,她不是真的想走,只是离开的时候希望被挽留.)

11 她会突然冷淡你,或是向你撒娇. (别怪她孩子气,她只是想让你哄哄她.)

12 也许有一天她会跟你说分手. (其实,这个时候她已经喜欢你好久,只是不确定这份感情是不是对的.她只是要你的安全感,你的舍不得,你的不要走……)


Thank you.

While I was MIA. (typing in blur and headache mode)

For a short passage, I lost RM300++ about 4 this CNY.. I bought baby a SWATCH branded watch which costed me RM530 for Valentine's, XOXO and decided to get him a SEIKO which I hunted quite long ago. It's gonna cost me RM2k+!! Afford it not? ==" I got to see my beloved family members, cousins in this CNY. They're all back from UK, India, and some other parts of M'sia. But!! I failed to go to my WaiPo's house during CNY..

.::Normal Study Days::.
Went to uni really early, I couldn't even see any sunlight. Why? Cos I lazy to walk to uni, and my friends go to uni really early to practise piano, get parking. (Think this is what I'm gonna do as well cos my dad is getting me a car.) =)

.::Car Hunting Day::.
Bought Motor Trader. I found a CRV, year 04, costs about 7xk. Like it! Why I chose to hunt a 2nd hand car? Cos my dad said there will be holes at my car if he get me a new car. GOOD! ==" My dad then brought me to PERODUA the other day while I was back in Johor. He likes Myvi SE, orange, then I saw ALZA there, which I'm kinda like. I test-drove it. Not bad huh.. Just nice. And it has a more cool interior. But the thing is I don't need such big car. The salesman said we can use it for vacation, and my dad said, to me. "zhe liang che yao pa qu genting, cameron, wo bu hui jia wo de che? ni gan yong? deng xia liu xia lai" I was laughing. Myvi is now out of stock in M'sia. Most people is getting ALZA now. It's 'hot' now~ swt.. I said I want it. It's 6xk.
Then we went for Proton. Exora is quite nice. Bigger than ALZA, but ALZA's interior is nicer. Exora is 7xk, the one with leather seats with DVD player. Cool huh? Then my dad said, " ru guo ni yao ALZA, wo bu hui mai zhe liang geng hao?" Haha.. My mum said, " wah, yue mai yue gui liao huh." Savvy is in orange, which I said is Malay colour. I told my dad I rather pick Myvi SE in pearl white, with the 'PAQ 11' number plate! xD
We went for Toyota too. My dad looked for Vios. He doesn't like it, he said it's not stable enough for Toyota. He's trying to take all these cars to compare with his LandCruiser and BMW!!! Omg! I said, 'pa ar, bu yao na zhe xie che gen ni de che bi ye..' swt wey~! And there's gonna be a new kind of Vios next month. The 'lights' are gonna be different.
At last, we went back. Dad onlined, surfed from mudah. He saw LandRover, Freelander. He made a call to the number and it costs about 7xk and 8xk respectively. And my dad decided to get me one of that. (I'm kinda like it) xD

I have no idea with what's wrong with me.. I'm so sick.. Headache, dizzy, and feel like vomitting, since last week!! OMG!! No mood to go no where.

I didn't go for any shops cos I decided to save money. I want alot of money!! Yeah!! I bought C905 from my sister, JiaYing.. =) My iPod touch is making me sick.. Getting bored of it. I think I will need to install more games. Feel like getting a new lappy, the VAIO which my cousin bought with the glowing keypads in the dark. It will change the brightness due to the sun expose of surroundings. Hehe.. I want it! It's RM400 more expensive than the current one I'm using. Aikz! And a camera! I want a big one.. Haha... Sounds like I really got lots to purchase. But.. I don't afford them.. SAVE!!

.::Chopin Concert::.
It's what Chopin Society will do every year. Last year was more grand. I wore exactly the same as the year. Same dress, same heels, it's just that I added a shawl. Baby said look like I'm going for dinner. =) =) The playings of both years are just AWESOME!! I'm glad that I could become crew for both years which my friends are all jealous about it. Haha.. Hope that I can still be one of them in coming years!

It's kinda event that every students in UCSI Music School will need to undergo and go through. Mine, held on 30th March, 2010. But this is a guy named Teddy, he calls this event as a concert. And unfortunately, I was arranged to play at the same day with him.. So who am I? What part am I playing? Special guest that has beed invited to play in his concert? AHAK!! Of course that's not only 2 of us. More people. And Jury is coming.. I'm still so sick. =(

My mum always asks, ' jin tian lao shi jiao shen me? hui ma? ', which always made me speechless. cos I don't know how to answer. Shall I answer, 'jin tian lao shi jiao wo yao zen yang eigt transfer, jiao wo men xen yang ting interval, blabla' Is she gonna understand? Haha.. But it's just a way a mother concerns about her child. I appreciate it.
I went to my ex piano teacher's house, well she still is. I told her everything of my learnings. Finally there's someone in my life (who is not those classical students in UCSI) understands what I'm telling!! Haha.. She said my lecturer very good (very times very many times) Well, many people say so. My major lecturer is good. I totally agree with this statement!!! She's really good. My pleasure. =)

.::38 Tey Jia ying::.
She just sent me a SMS, telling me that my dad is buying me a Myvi SE, pearl white. (Shall I feel happy?)

Time to rest again.

*Photos will be uploaded soon* (Perhaps that I've got photos to upload) Fingers crossing with each other. I love people around me. I really do.